Home Cinema Dedicated Room by Votre Cinema

VOTRE CINEMA : THE EXPERT in the creation of home cinemas since 2002

AN UNPARALLELED EXPERTISE with 250 home cinemas in the world

Turnkey sevice, Starting from our design office up to the implementation of your project

European specialiste of cinemascope, the only format of cinema projection

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The dedicated home cinema by VOTRE CINEMA, from design to fulfilment...

Only one professional

Only one representative

Without any subcontracting and…

A ready to use delivery!

Far away from the classic home cinema, our creations use the same components (authentic speaker, authentic sound screen in widescreen format...) and materials (acoustics walls, acoustics ceiling...) as a real cinema does!

What is needed for an ideal dedicated home cinema by VOTRE CINEMA:

The ideal room for your dedicated home cinema.

A 20 by 25 square meters room is necessary to consider a dedicated home cinema with 4 to 8 seats. In order to realize two rows of chairs, it ideally requires a 6.5 meters length room. A minimal width of 3.5 meters is necessary (but a 4 to 5 meters width is hugely recommended for a more comfortable global layout of your private cinema).

On the first floor, underground or in the attic, there is always a room ready to welcome a home cinema ! Whatever how the construction of the room is (brick, concrete or plaster), we bring you a patented solution regarding the thermal, acoustic and decoration issues.

The acoustic.

We use a european certificate of acoustic walls which bring 4 vital properties for your dedicated home cinema.

Thermic isolation.

Phonic isolation (avoiding any noise outside your home cinema room).

Acoustic correction (a total mastery of the sound inside the room).

Decoration and finishing touches (clothes, woodwork and lighting).

The speakers.

Each cinema in the world is equipped with high efficiency enclosure speaker with compressing chamber and horn (instead of a classical tweeter)… Naturally we adopted this sound technology for the same sound as a real cinema!

The subwoofer is necessary for a dedicated home cinema setup. The bass reinforcement permit the exploitation of the modern soundtrack 5.1 and 7.1 through a dedicated bass canal. The subwoofer brings intensity and real sensations during the blasts, gunshots and other strong moments of a movie. It can be synchronized with vibrators under the seats for an even greater sensation

The 2:35 cinemascope projection in your dedicated home cinema.


The 16/9 format is a television one and not a cinema screen format!

The 2:35 format is the real large and panoramic format you find in a cinema!

Even larger than on a 16/9 screen, the showing of a movie in the 2:35 format makes the black strips above and below the screen disappear and by doing so it extends the picture by more than 50 %!

At the cinema there isn’t any black strips!

The cinema immersion is without comparision. Enjoy a remarkable setup!

VOTRE CINEMA is known and recognized in Europe for our perfect mastery of the projection in the 2:35 cinemascope format : a quality assurance for your dedicated home cinema!

The electronics.

While many use a huge "all in one" installation, VOTRE CINEMA has always recommended separate elements. In this way each element is dedicated to a precise rôle (the pre-amplification is separated from the power amplification) and does his part better than a unique integrated device.

Other components are part of the conception of our dedicated home cinema, we have an area consecrated to them : video projector room.

Contact VOTRE CINEMA for your dedicated home cinema!

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