Votre Cinema : Integrator of Home Cinema at your very own home

VOTRE CINEMA : THE EXPERT in the creation of home cinemas since 2002

AN UNPARALLELED EXPERTISE with 250 home cinemas in the world

Turnkey sevice, Starting from our design office up to the implementation of your project

European specialiste of cinemascope, the only format of cinema projection

All our video reports, we welcome you to watch them on our site

Number 1 in the integration of home cinema at home in Europe

The genuine integration of home cinema… real gage of class and of luxury?
Contrary to the low-end home cinema which has become popularized, the integration at your own home of a private cinema (that we design also as a real concept of home cinema) is a touch of excellence. Using the same technics, equipment and materials as the public cinema halls, the company VOTRE CINÉMA surpasses everything by a longshot in its results. The general atmosphere, the sound quality, the quality of the projected image, the sensations obtained (the vibrators synchronized with the film equipped in our cinema armchairs) are impossible to compare to a traditional home cinema. Today, the integration of a genuine private cinema is the heart of numerous homes in France and in Europe. If some people are still wondering how, while still giving value to their estate, to entertain their entourage, others have already chosen the option of integrating a home cinema.

While many compare the budget of integration of a home cinema with a luxury pool, very few have a hesitation about what choice to make: the cinema each year, alone, with family or with friends all throughout the year, or a few swims only on nice days? The choice is quickly made.

Remember that a home cinema integrator enables you to add value to your home, above all in the case of a resale, but also allows you to satisfy one or more passions: the cinema but also television, video concerts, hifi, video games, home videos… All of these formats can be projected in your private cinema room: DVD, CD Blu-Ray, but also PC-Mac, game consoles, TNT decoder or satellite… each moment passed in a home cinema is a real pleasure full of emotions.

W VOTRE CINEMA, the integration of a Home Cinema is:

The definition of the choice of the room (dedicated or not): The rations to respect.
Acoustic diagnostic and simulation of the room.
Study of the practicability.
Presentation of a file of studies complete with plans, 3D modeling, design, layout.
Recommendations on the choice of materials, acoustic solutions and equipment to use according to the specificities of the project (speakers, projector, size of the image etc…).
The realization of the work (from 2 to 4 weeks).
Follow-up and guarantees starting at the integration of the home cinema.

Contact VOTRE CINEMA, integrator renowned for home cinema to create your private home cinema!

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